Job Information
County of Lincoln County Administrator in Lincoln, Kansas
This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13131866
County Administrator
Lincoln County
The County Administrator is an exempt position under FLSA that will be providing direct assistance to the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. This position is responsible for the coordination and enforcement of resolutions, policies, rules, and regulations adopted by the board. The County Administrator will oversee all County departments with an appointed department head as well as the functions of human resources, purchasing, and other functions deemed necessary by the Board and will assist in establishing, monitoring, evaluating, and revising Department and County goals and objectives. Work is performed with a large degree of independence and is subject to review by the BOCC.
Present proposed policies, programs and plans to address County needs to the Board for review, revision, and approval; provide recommendations on matters within the scope of the administrative authority granted by the Board;
Present an annual recommended operating budget and capital improvement program for review, revision and adoption by the Board and participate in the development of a long-term strategic plan for the County;
Prepare and present estimates and projections of anticipated County revenue and expenditures to the Board for planning purposes;
Coordinate and supervise the administrative operations of the departments of all County Department Heads appointed by the Board {\"Appointed Department Heads\") as well as employees not assigned a specific department head. All officers and employees thereunder shall be administratively responsible to the County Administrator;
Provide coordination across departments and agencies under the direct jurisdiction, legal, or physical control of the Board;
Collaborate with Elected County Department Heads to provide for efficiencies in administrative services of County departments under their jurisdiction, providing technical assistance, within proper scope of expertise and training to such departments as needed and fostering a spirit of cooperation for the benefit of the County;
Enforce personnel policies and practices heretofore adopted by the Board for all Lincoln County Departments;
Approve the appointment, compensation, discipline and change in status of personnel in the departments of Appointed Department Heads in accordance with established compensation and employment policies with approval of the Board. All employees affected by such decisions shall continue to have access to all appellate and other rights granted them by currently approved county personnel policies and applicable state law;
Supervise and evaluate the performance of Appointed Department Heads, and all employees assigned, recommend compensation and / or disciplinary actions to the Board for consideration and approval;
Enforce purchasing procedures for goods, services, equipment, and supplies needed in the administration of county government as approved, from time to time, by the Board, and ensure compliance with any applicable program or federal funding requirements;
Execute contracts and other documents approved by the Board;
Prepare the agendas for all Board meetings in accordance with County policy and provide information needed for each agenda item;
Prepare or cause to have prepared such reports as the Board may require concerning operations of the county government and prepare plans and programs for consideration in anticipation of future needs and services;
Withi proper scope of expertise and training, prepare plans, policy statements, manuals, contracts, reports, documents, and correspondence as directed by the Board;
Oversee and be the point of contact for specific services identified by the Board, including but not limited to IT contracts and facility security;
Manage all special projects as directed by the Board;
Attend all meetings of the Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners;
Monitor programs, budgets, income, and expenditures of all departments and funds and keep the Board informed of compliance and the financial position of the County;
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