Job Information
B Bar J Inc Farmworker in Arnold, Kansas
This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13197056
::: {role="presentation"}
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. Operate a pull type grader or pull type belt terracer to maintain terraces on crop land. Spread manure fertilizer to top dress cropland. Operate a round baler. Operate swather to windrow crops. Repair fencing around crops. Spot spray bindweed with ATV. Operate mowers, large and small, to maintain and control weeds around fields, grain bin sites, and equipment sites. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Equipment: Case Combines, Semi-tractor trailers, grain carts, 4 wheel drive tractors, 50\' tillage equipment, JD sprayer, (2) 40\' grain drills, self-propelled swather, round balers, Pay loader, skid steer loader, pull type grader, pull type terracer, mowers and miscellaneous smaller farm equipment.
::: {role="presentation"} ::: {padding-left="0" padding-right="-20" stacked="false" divider="false"} ::: {role="presentation"} Housing is provided. Reimbursement for transportation and subsistence is also offered. Transportation will be provided at no cost to workers, from employer-provided housing and, if applicable, centralized pick-up points to the places of employment at the beginning of each workday and back at the end of each work day. Please contact employer for further details. ::: ::: :::